Monday, March 12, 2007

SDSU College Farm: Why Not?

Any ideas on why in the world South Dakota State University, home of the state's only College of Agriculture, does not have a student organic farm?

Anyone? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

I believe the reason that SDSU does not have an organic farm is because the people who make those kinds of decisions for the school are totally invested in the AGRIBUSINESS model. That particular model is driven by Monsanto, Ceiba Geigy, Cargill (I may be forgetting some) and other obscenely powerful companines whose primary concern is their own bottom line in the short term rather than what is widely beneficial and sustainable for the planet and it's creatures.

Erin said...

Perry, that's the impression I got while attending SDSU. Of course, I wasn't in the College of Ag&Bio myself, so I'd love to hear from some current students or faculty in that College who could shed some light on the matter from firsthand experience.

Anonymous said...

There was an organic farm at SDSU a few years ago. I'm not sure if it was the pet project of a few students, or a class assignment. But I was there. I picked veggies. It was good.